Transmission network

A transmission network is a high-voltage system for the transfer of electric power. It consists of transmission lines, substations and switching substations. The system is 2,859 km long.

Transmission network
Transmission network

Electric power system

The electric power system includes electricity generators, electric power transmission and distribution networks and consumers. After electricity is produced by electricity generators, it is transferred via the transmission lines and electric power distribution networks to the consumers who need it to carry out various activities.

Transmission network
Transmission network

Slovenia’s transmission network

The transmission network interconnects the key participants in the electric power system in the Republic of Slovenia - power plants, distribution companies and larger consumers. It also enables the exchange of electric power with neighbouring countries.

It features many branches, through which the electric power can reach those who need it at any time.

Transmission network
Transmission network

Transmission network elements

The key elements of a reliable transmission network include transmission lines, substations and other high-voltage devices intended for operation, measurement and monitoring system events, as well as for the protection of high-frequency electric power devices. Prudent maintenance of the transmission network elements ensures the safe and effective transmission of electric power.

Transmission network
Transmission network

Information and telecommunication network

ELES has built an optical network along all the transmission lines and in a wider area with a total length of more than 1,600 km. This optical network connects all our sites, as well as all generators, distributors and other transmission systems bordering on our system. This enables us to manage the electric power system in an optimal way and to further develop new services.

Transmission network
Transmission network

The Fala–Laško Museum of Electric Power Transmission

Although the technical heritage of electric power transmission activity has not been collected in a targeted way, individuals have preserved many old exhibits over the decades.