System Services

In accordance with the national energy legislation, the system operator shall always ensure that the electric power supply is seamless, as well as ensure the safe and reliable operation of the system. Therefore various system services shall be provided via market providers.

01.09.2009 | System Services

For determination of energy price of tertiary control reserve, the client is additionally publishing the following explanation to Annex 9. »The bidder can specify the price for tertiary con... Preberi več

27.08.2009 | System Services

Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. publishes Auction for purchase of ancillary services for 2010. All interested bidders are invited to submit their application for prequalification recognition and, on th... Preberi več

25.03.2009 | System Services

Participants of electric energy market are invited to sign the General contract for sale and purchase of electric energy for needs of transmission system operator. Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. will ... Preberi več

15.09.2008 | System Services

The results of the repeated Auction for the purchase of electricity for covering energy losses in the transmission network for the year 2009.On the 15th of September, 2008 ELES performed the repeated ... Preberi več

08.09.2008 | System Services

The results of the Auction for the purchase of electricity for covering energy losses in the transmission network for the year 2009.On the 8th of September, 2008 ELES performed the auction for the pur... Preberi več

05.09.2008 | System Services

On September 8th, 2008 ELES, Slovenian Transmission System Operator has performed an Auction for the purchase of minute reserve power for tertiary frequency control outside Slovenia in 2008, where the... Preberi več

14.08.2008 | System Services

All interested bidders are invited to submit, in accordance with the Auction Rules, an application for prequalification recognition and, on the basis of a successful qualification, participate in... Preberi več

14.08.2008 | System Services

All interested bidders are invited to submit, in accordance with the Auction Rules, for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the transmission system in the year 2009, an application for thei... Preberi več

20.11.2007 | System Services

On the 20th of November, 2007 ELES successfully performed the auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the transmission system for the year 2008 (auction results). Preberi več

15.11.2007 | System Services

On the 15th of November, 2007 ELES performed the auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the transmission system for the year 2008 (Auction results). Preberi več

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