System Services

In accordance with the national energy legislation, the system operator shall always ensure that the electric power supply is seamless, as well as ensure the safe and reliable operation of the system. Therefore various system services shall be provided via market providers.

02.10.2023 | System Services

We are informing you that the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system will be held on 11th of October 2023.All details of the auction and offered products can be f... Preberi več

12.09.2023 | System Services

ELES, d.o.o. is publishing the results of the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the electricity system that was held on Tuesday 12th of September 2023. Results of Auction for the p... Preberi več

01.09.2023 | System Services

We are informing you that the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system will be held on 12th of September 2023.All details of the auction and offered products can be... Preberi več

14.06.2023 | System Services

ELES, d.o.o. is publishing the results of the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the electricity system that was held on Wednesday 14th of June 2023. Results of Auction for the purc... Preberi več

06.06.2023 | System Services

We are informing you that the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system will be held on 14th of June 2023.All details of the auction and offered products can be foun... Preberi več

16.05.2023 | System Services

ELES, d.o.o. is publishing the results of the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the electricity system that was held on Tuesday 16th of May 2023. Results of Auction for the purchas... Preberi več

09.05.2023 | System Services

We are publishing Auction specifications for the auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system which will be held on 16.5.2023. In the specifications you can find a... Preberi več

13.04.2023 | System Services

ELES, d.o.o. is publishing the results of the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the electricity system that was held on Thursday 13th of April 2023. Results of Auction for the purc... Preberi več

03.04.2023 | System Services

We are informing you that the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system will be held on 13th of April 2023.All details of the auction and offered products can be fou... Preberi več

11.01.2023 | System Services

All interested parties are invited to submit an application for the Auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses in the electricity system in accordance with the Rules for the purchase of energy... Preberi več

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