
The ELES company is responsible for upgrading and expanding the electric power transmission network in Slovenia to ensure a reliable, safe and high-quality operation of the Slovenian transmission network.


In accordance with the legislation, the ELES company is obligated to prepare a development plan for the transmission network for the next 10-year period every 2 years. The plan presents the anticipated state of the electric power system and the necessary expansions and interventions for the transmission network, which, based on the announced construction of production units, will be the expansion of the distribution network and the projection of development of the electric power system in Europe, necessary for the ELES company to continue to ensure the reliable, safe and high-quality operation of the Slovenian transmission network.


Transmission network projects

Transmission network facilities connect the production units with the distribution network and ensure a balance between the consumption and production of electric power. This is why the planned transmission lines will contribute to the improved reliability of the electricity supply in Slovenia. Let’s make electricity available at any time and any place.

The important plans for the transmission networks include:


Projects of common interest

These are energy infrastructure projects that are not only highly important for Slovenia, but also for the development of the European energy network, the establishment of the internal market of electric energy, and the realisation of the objectives of the European energy policy.

The Slovenian projects that appear on the European list of projects of common interest are:



Finished projects of common interest


Candidats for the PCI list