
The ELES Company is dedicated to public operation. Its news is intended for all who are interested in its operation.

02.02.2015 | News from Eles

A further significant step towards an integrated European power marketThe Italian Borders Market Coupling Project is scheduled to launch on 24 February 2015. The Go-Live is subject to the final approval by the involved regulatory authorities. Three of the five borders of the Italian Borders Market Coupling Project will be coupled with the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC), thus linking the majority of EU power markets - from Finland to Portugal and Slovenia. The launch of the Italian Borders Market ... Read More

18.12.2014 | News from Eles

Partners of Slovenian Italian bilateral Market Coupling project Terna, GME, BSP and ELES would like to inform market participants regarding the change of Gate Closure Time for Day Ahead Markets of Slovenia and Italy.Change of Gate Closure Time for Italian ans Slovenian day ahead markets   Read More

12.12.2014 | News from Eles

Best of wishes in 2015  Read More

01.12.2014 | News from Eles

As a follow-up to our previous news, ELES is publishing thefollowing information.Borders ready for the Go-Live window starting mid-February 2015The start of the Go-Live window of the Italian Borders Market Coupling project is currently foreseen mid-February 2015. The effective Go-Live date will be confirmed after the positive finalization of market participants tests in January 2015. The Go-Live is subject to the regulators’ approval. The borders ready for this Go-Live window are: Italy &n... Read More

24.11.2014 | News from Eles

IntroductionThis document is aimed at giving a general presentation of the Italian Borders Market Coupling project and at listing specific questions for a Market Participants’ consultation.The document gives an overview of: the main principles and functioning of the market coupling; the timings and possible coupling scenarios; the possible fallback solutions; the price and bids caps on the Italian Borders electricity market; the rollback organization.Market parties are asked to answer some... Read More

30.06.2014 | News from Eles

Dear Market Participant,The IBWT Market Coupling project partners would like to invite you to a Market Forum that will take place in Rome, on 16 July from 10.00 to 16.00 to present the project and to highlight the main coming steps.The details related to the Market Coupling Forum together with the Agenda can be found in the enclosed document. Invitation Presentation Read More

23.06.2014 | News from Eles

Dear Market Participant,The IBWT Market Coupling project partners would like to invite you to a Market Forum that will take place in Rome, on 16 July from 10.00 to 16.00 to present the project and to highlight the main coming steps. The details related to the Market Coupling Forum can be found in the enclosed document.Invitation Read More

19.03.2014 | News from Eles

Launched with the support of the European Commission, the EU Regional Initiatives are in a full developing phase after the signature of the Third Package and the commitment of EU member states to accomplish the integration of the Internal Energy Market by 2014.In this context, Italian Borders Transmission System Operators (ADMIE, APG, ELES, RTE, Swissgrid and TERNA) and Power Exchanges (BSP, EPEX SPOT, EXAA, GME and LAGIE) have launched a dedicated project in 2012. Its goal is to implement the E... Read More

04.05.2010 | News from Eles

On May 13th 2010, Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. (ELES) will start the procurement of electricity needed for transmission network via Slovenian power exchange BSP South Pool. Hourly values of electricity demand will on average be similar to those procured at internal auctions performed by ELES from the beginning of 2010. Buy offers will be submitted to Auction Trading platform on Exchange Market – Slovenia. On 13.5.2010, ELES will for the first time submit buy offers to procure electricity with deli... Read More

03.12.2009 | News from Eles

At the end of November, a celebration took place in Brestanica, where an upgraded 110/20 kV RTP  Brestanica substation was put into operation. The new 110 kV switchyard, which was constructed jointly by the companies Elektro - Slovenija, Thermal Power Plant Brestanica and Elektro Celje,   is the largest SF6 gas insulated 110 kV switchyard in the Slovene electricity system and is ranked among the first thirty such switchyards in Europe. Within the scope of the construction of the new 110 kV switc... Read More

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