
The ELES Company is dedicated to public operation. Its news is intended for all who are interested in its operation.

17.06.2016 | News from Eles

After successful completion of all testing activities in June 2016, the launch of the Austrian-Slovenian Market Coupling will take place on 12 July 2016 (13 July delivery day). From this date onwards, capacity for the Austrian-Slovenian border will be implicitly allocated through the PCR solution for the Day-Ahead markets, making the border a part of the Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC). AT-SI MC go-live date   Read More

02.03.2016 | News from Eles

FutureFlow - Designing eTrading Solutions for Electricity Balancing and Redispatching in EuropeThe FutureFlow kick-off meeting took place in Ljubljana where all 12 Consortium partners from 8 European countries, the Project Officer from European Commission Mrs. Mariana Stancheva and representative from ELES CEO Office gathered to launch the project activities. The meeting was led by Mr. Uroš Salobir, Project Coordinator from ELES, who expressed his optimism and eagerness for enabling renew... Read More

29.02.2016 | News from Eles

29 February 2016 - The Transmission System Operators APG and ELES, and Power Exchanges BSP and EPEX SPOT have in 2015 launched a dedicated project with support of both national regulators E-Control (Austria) and Energy Agency (Slovenia). The goal is to implement the European target model for day-ahead Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management on the Austrian–Slovenian border.The project is an extension to the NTC based day-ahead market coupling approach including its operational procedures,... Read More

29.02.2016 | News from Eles

In accordance with the CACM regulation, the Italian and Slovenian TSOs and PXs (TERNA, ELES, GME and BSP) jointly announce the launch of a pilot project aimed at improving the ID capacity allocation process on the IT-SI electricity border (Cross Border Intra Day Implicit Allocation project ID-IA). Such ID-IA project, once in operation, will imply the substitution of the existing explicit intraday auctions operated by the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) on that border with an implicit market coupli... Read More

09.02.2016 | News from Eles

Co-organization of the Event is the Result of Good Cooperation between ELES and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.ELES is the coordinator of a four-year research project, worth 13 million euros, which will be funded by the European Horizon 2020 Programme. 12 partners from eight European countries, among them four system operators, research institutions, technology companies and two electricity traders, are involved in the FutureFlow International Research Project. All companies are leaders in thei... Read More

29.01.2016 | News from Eles

The challenge posed by renewables – How much power electronics can the grid cope with?• The European Union is providing roughly 17 million euros of funding for the research activities• 25 project partners are investigating the potential, thresholds and preconditions for measures for controlling the grid in future• The focus is on safeguarding grid stability, changes to control functions, and     possible adjustments to grid connection rules25 consortium partners from 13 European countries, i... Read More

01.07.2015 | News from Eles

On 24 June 2015 the General Assemblies of CAO and CASC.EU, the two regional allocation offices for cross border electricity transmission capacities, approved the merger agreement to create the Joint Allocation Office (JAO). This is a major milestone for facilitation of the internal electricity market in the European Union. The JAO is a joint service company of twenty Transmission System Operators (TSOs) from seventeen countries*. It will mainly perform the yearly, monthly and daily auctions... Read More

14.04.2015 | News from Eles

The 13th International Workshop on Electric Power Control Centers (EPCC) will be held on May 17-20, 2015, at the Grand Hotel Toplice in Bled, Slovenia.  The Workshop is co-sponsored, organized and supported by ELES. EPCC Workshops provide a unique platform for information exchange among the industry professionals involved in technical, business, regulatory and financial aspects of system reliability and electricity markets. Workshop discussions focus on the latest development... Read More

24.02.2015 | News from Eles

A further significant step towards an integrated European power market on 24 February 2015. The Italian Borders Market Coupling was successfully launched today. The Italian-Austrian, Italian-French and Italian-Slovenian borders have been coupled with the MultiRegional Coupling (MRC), thus linking the majority of EU power markets–from Finland to Portugal and Slovenia. The launch of the Italian Borders Market Coupling provides evidence of the flexibility and reliability of the... Read More

19.02.2015 | News from Eles

Following the communication published on the project parties’ websites sent to the Market Participants on 2 December 2014, the launch of the Italian Borders Market Coupling is now confirmed on 24 February 2015, based on the approval of all the concerned National Regulatory Authorities.IBWT MPs Communication Confirmation GoLive  Read More

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