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A Reference Group meeting of FutureFlow project was organized in Brussels

In the scope of the activities of international project FutureFlow, a Reference Group meeting was organized in Brussels.

Mr. Carlo Sabbeli, Chair of ENTSO-E Research & Development Committee opened the meeting. Among the representatives of ENTSO-E Governing bodies, also Mr. Kjell Arne Barmsnes, Convener WG AS ENTSO-E, responsible for solutions development inside ENTSO-E organization, was also present.

Introduction of the international project FutureFlow to the TSO representatives was done by the oordinator of the FutureFlow project Uroš Salobir (ELES). The key elements of the project, which will have a strong influence in the field of real-time balancing of power systems and increases energy integration between the countries of Europe were presented by Zoran Vujasinović (EKC) and dr. Matjaž Dolinar (ELES). A strong intersection of contents of FutureFlow project and current activities in the ENTSO-E organization , which was confirmed during the meeting, triggered an agreement on long term cooperation between the project and ENTSO-E organization.