
The ELES Company is dedicated to public operation. Its news is intended for all who are interested in its operation.

ELES starts the procurement of electricity needed for transmission network via exchange BSP South Pool on 13.5.2010

On May 13th 2010, Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. (ELES) will start the procurement of electricity needed for transmission network via Slovenian power exchange BSP South Pool. Hourly values of electricity demand will on average be similar to those procured at internal auctions performed by ELES from the beginning of 2010. Buy offers will be submitted to Auction Trading platform on Exchange Market – Slovenia. On 13.5.2010, ELES will for the first time submit buy offers to procure electricity with delivery on May 14th 2010. On the same date, ELES will stop performing its own auction for electricity procurement. At this point ELES thanks all the partners that participated at these auctions and hope that this cooperation will continue via BPS South Pool. ELES expects that this new procurement regime will bring benefits for ELES, as well as to improve competition, liquidity, transparency and efficiency of electricity market in Slovenia.