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The Largest 110 kV Gas Insulated Switchyard has been Installed

At the end of November, a celebration took place in Brestanica, where an upgraded 110/20 kV RTP  Brestanica substation was put into operation. The new 110 kV switchyard, which was constructed jointly by the companies Elektro - Slovenija, Thermal Power Plant Brestanica and Elektro Celje,   is the largest SF6 gas insulated 110 kV switchyard in the Slovene electricity system and is ranked among the first thirty such switchyards in Europe. Within the scope of the construction of the new 110 kV switchyard, a new 20 kV distribution switchyard with two transformers was constructed for the needs of the power distribution company Elektro Celje. The value of the entire investment was 23.8 million Euro.     
The installment of this new switchyard will significantly improve  the reliability of electricity supply in the territory of Brestanica and in the severe operating conditions also the supply in Sevnica, Krško, Brežice and the broader region of Dolenjsko, Posavje and Zasavje. Besides that, the nuclear power plant Krško will so obtain a more reliable stand-by supply. By installing the new state-of-the-art switchyard as well as the cable version of connection power-lines, the town of Brestanica will also obtain the possibility of installing new facilities for the needs of the town’s development.
A few records were broken during the construction of the RTP Brestanica switchyard. The installation of the GIS equipment only took 53 days which was a unique record also for the Swiss manufacturer. Thanks to good preparation works and tests which were carried out in the factory, was the installation of secondary equipment carried out in mere 43 days. It took no more than 18 months from the beginning of the construction until the technical inspection, with the cooperation of 21 contracting partners and 45 subcontractors,among them 7 from abroad.