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New Cybersecurity Project for the Energy Sector

ALiEnS-SOC, EU co-financed project coordinated by ELES, aims to enhance cyber resilience, improve threat detection and response, and safeguard Europe’s critical infrastructure against advanced cyber threats. It brings together 13 partners from Slovenia and Croatia.

The energy sector is at the heart of modern society, with an uninterrupted electricity supply being crucial for daily life. However, as cyber threats grow more sophisticated, ensuring the security of critical energy infrastructure has become a top priority. ALiEnS-SOC aims to tackle these challenges by developing an advanced, AI-driven cybersecurity system tailored for Security Operation Centers (SOCs). The project will introduce state-of-the-art AI technologies, cyber threat intelligence (CTI) sharing, and real-time response mechanisms to mitigate risks and ensure the resilience of the energy sector.

ALiEnS-SOC, funded under the European Commission’s cybersecurity initiatives, is coordinated by ELES. Other project partners from Slovenia are Elektro Celje, Elektro Gorenjska, Elektro Ljubljana, Elektro Maribor, Elektro Primorska, Akademska in raziskovalna mreža Slovenije, Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za informacijsko varnost, Telekom Slovenije, Informatika,  Smartis, Tiko Pro and from Croatia Končar - Digital.

This type of initiatives are of particular importance as their goal is to enhances national and EU cybersecurity capabilities, safeguard critical infrastructure, and reduce reliance on non-EU technologies by ensuring a more secure and independent energy grid.