
The ELES Company is dedicated to public operation. Its news is intended for all who are interested in its operation.

ELES awarded for the best annual report for the fourth year in a row

At yesterday's 22nd award ceremony for the Best Annual Reports, the Business Academy Finance awarded ELES for the fourth consecutive year with the award for the Best Annual Report among big companies for 2020.

The CEO of ELES, mag. Aleksander Mervar pointed out when accepting the fifth prize in the overall standings that understanding the importance of integrity in reporting and shared awareness of the critical factors for the company's success is becoming firmly integrated into our operations. 
The fundamental goal of advanced reporting in the connection of financial and non-financial information is to explain as clearly as possible all types of values ​​that ELES creates on six capitals for various stakeholders. In the annual report for 2020, we've sharpened our view of the produced values ​ to comprehensively present our operations and results at the local and international level, where we boosted a high corporate reputation, which defines us as the best in the industry.