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European TSOs successfully managed the solar eclipse

Today, a solar eclipse took place affecting the majority of countries in Europe between 10:10 to 13:45 CEST.

TSOs were prepared for this special event.

The PV infeed in the most affected countries in Continental Europe reached a maximum of 56 GW. The maximum decrease caused by the solar eclipse was 4.9 GW. This was in line with the prognosis made by TSOs. The frequency did not show significant deviations from the target value of 50 Hertz. The PV infeed was back to normal at 13:45, after the solar eclipse was over.

The 10 June 2021 was successfully managed by the European TSOs through adequate preparations in advance and permanent coordination during the solar eclipse. Lessons will be drawn to best prepare for a more challenging eclipse foreseen next year on 25 October.