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Final Conference of the MIGRATE Project

On Wednesday 4th December the final event of MIGRATE project was held in Brussels.

The aim of the MIGRATE is to find solutions for the technological challenges the grid will be faced with in the future when more and more renewables will be integrated into the grid by the means of power electronics. At the final event, project partners presented the main results of the projects. The outcomes of work package 5, coordinated by ELES, were presented by dr. Blaž Kirn. He pointed out, that the project partners within work package 5 managed to improve the harmonic behaviour modelling of power electronic devices and with certain changes of control algorithms also improve them. Additionally they transferred the complicated and detailed models into the simplified models of harmonic load flow and by adding the probabilistic approach, they succeeded to run simulations of large networks at each frequency domain. By this method, large harmonic distortion and power quality optimizations can be effectively performed. Moreover, a power quality visualization tool was developed within the group which enables 4D graphical view of harmonic emission propagations what enables quick visual overview of power quality in the grid even in real time.

The project will end at the end of 2019 and all deliverables are publically available online: