
The ELES Company is dedicated to public operation. Its news is intended for all who are interested in its operation.

We kindly invite you to the FutureFlow project's Final Conference

Final Conference, coordinated by the Slovenian TSO ELES, will take place on Tuesday, 15 October, in Vienna. The Keynote Speakers are Mr. Janez Kopač, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, and Mr. Martin Povh from ACER.

EU funded FutureFlow Project, where company ELES is coordinating the work of 12 partners from 8 states, is coming to an end in December 2019. At the Final Conference, project partners will present key project results and options for implementing the findings and deploying the developed platforms in a real-time environment.

Attending FutureFlow‘s final Conference will enable you to:
- Understand how active consumers can play an important role on the energy markets of the future.
- Gain insight into the real time cross-border pilot test results.
- Learn about IT platforms that enable participation of DR&DG units in the energy market.  

Join us on 15 October in Vienna. Register here.

Conference Program

The event is hosted by the Energy Community Secretariat and is free of charge.