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At 2019 IEEE PES General Meeting two ELES's projects presented

Uroš Kerin from ELES presented to the global professional public SINCRO.GRID and FutureFlow projects.

Under the slogan "Expect uncertainty, prepare for adjustments", the IEEE Power Engineering Society's General Meeting was held in Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting, which is the central global platform for the exchange of research achievements, practical experiences and good practices in the field of electricity, was attended by more than 3,000 delegates from around the world.

Within the committee “Energy development and production of electricity”, Uroš Kerin from ELES chaired for the fifth consecutive year the expert panel European Energy Projects. The panel placed current projects in the European electricity sector at the forefront of selected professional public and side by side with worldwide achievements.

In the framework of the before mentioned panel he also presented ELES' SINCRO.GRID and FutureFlow projects, which aroused interest from the global professional public.