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First FutureFlow workshop with prosumers successful

Project partners organised first workshop with prosumers in Slovenia.

Project partners from Slovenia, ELES, GEN-I, EIMV, in cooperation with Energy Industry Chamber of Slovenia organised first workshop with prosumers within Work Package 5 and Work Package 6. Workshop took place on 11th June 2018 in Ljubljana. Participants were prosumers from Slovenia, included in the pilot tests, and prosumers with technical possibilities for offering flexibility. 

Project partners presented the purpose and objectives of the project, pilot tests in which invited prosumers participate and their current results and possibilities for prosumers in offering system services within new business models. Project partners also exchanged opinions and discussed with prosumers about their opinions and experience of participating in the pilot tests. Prosumers shared their ideas about better cooperation and presented some ideas for improvements.

Project partners plan to organise similar workshops also for prosumers in Austria, Hungary and Romania.