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ELES’ strategic innovations presented at the ENTSO-E regional conference

Uroš Salobir, M.Sc presented ELES’ innovation projects at the “Alpine Power Links” conference in Basel.

On Wednesday, April 18th in Basel, system operators of transmission networks from the Alpine region participated in the ENTSO-E organized conference “Alpine Power Links”.  The participants considered issues related to major changes in the field of electric power transmission: how can the region contribute with solutions in the area of power market integration, operational and planning coordination and innovation; what is the contribution of the region to the European electricity system in the interest of customers; what is the role of Network Codes in taking the regional and European integration from promise to practice? 

Uroš Salobir, M.Sc discussed the importance of the innovative projects SINCRO.GRID, FutureFlow and OSMOSE for successfully confronting the challenges in the field of electric power transmission and fulfilling the common goal – a carbon-free society. 

Salobir emphasized that the FutureFlow project is looking for new sources of flexibility and ways of integrating it into the most demanding system services, such as providing secondary frequency control. It will also significantly contribute towards the unification of flexibility markets and will enable that flexibility fluctuations are carried out with RES, i.e. without fossil fuels.

Second presented project was the ELES coordinated SINCRO.GRID. Salobir pointed out that, by installing compensating devices and battery storage units, as well as by increasing the thermal capacities of the transmission lines, the project partners will make the existing infrastructure more efficient and enable greater integration of RES into the transmission and distribution network.

And last but not least was the OSMOSE project, which ELES is participating in. Salobir emphasized that the system operators (RTE, REE, TERNA and ELES) will conduct four demonstrations in order to increase the techno-economic potential of a wide range of solutions and sources of flexibility - they will combine congestion management and flexibility markets.