
The ELES Company is dedicated to public operation. Its news is intended for all who are interested in its operation.

Invitation to the MIGRATE project workshop

All interested parties are kindly invited to the second workshop »More power electronics into the grid: Innovative solutions for operations, and impacts on connection rules”.

Workshop will take place on 28th March 2018 in Brussels at ENTSO-E premises (Avenue de Cortenbergh 100). This workshop aims at:

  • presenting the MIGRATE project and advancement;
  • discuss the impacts of the expected project results, i.e. upgraded and new monitoring solutions, control algorithms and strategies as well as protection schemes, and necessary grid code evolutions; 
  • prepare your organisation, community or industry to be involved in reviewing those results and planning their implementation.

Make sure you will have your say on our future proposals and grid code recommendations. Join us!


More about MIGRATE project