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Slovenia rank 10th on the WEC Trillema Index

The World Energy Council published the World Energy Trilemma Index 2017. Slovenia ranked 10th.

The Trilemma Index assesses the energy sector and energy politics in 125 world countries. The World Energy Council’s definition of energy sustainability is based on three core dimensions: energy security, energy equity, and environmental sustainability. The Energy Trilema Index categorises energy efficiency of countries and provides the framework for progress measurement.

In this year's analysis, Slovenia ranks 10th or two places up from 2016, when it was assessed with score AAB. Slovenia also received the second highest grade in the field of energy security. This evaluation in the area of providing energy supply safety was also encouraged by the well-known ELES projects, the Cirkovce-Pince overhead transmission line construction that will positively impact the regional energy market, and the SINCRO.GRID project involving smart grids.