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Presentation of the "Premakni porabo" (Move Consumption) Project

In Ptuj, ELES and Elektro Maribor presented the Slovenian-Japanese project entitled Premakni porabo / Move Consumption.

The "Premakni porabo" Project will enable households and small business consumers in the area of ten municipalities in Štajerska, which are connected to the Breg transformer station and are already included in the advanced metering system, to actively manage the consumption of electricity and save money with regard to electricity costs. 
As Gregor Omahen, the "Premakni porabo" Project Manager from ELES, explained advanced technologies enable consumers to simply and effectively control the consumption of electricity. Thus, consumers can enjoy in the same comfort by receiving lower electricity invoices. By cooperating in the project, consumers can achieve savings in electricity costs, at the same time they contribute to a more effective operation of the electric power network, thus having a positive effect on the entire electric power system. This helps decrease the needs for new investments; therefore, the project is also an environmentally friendly solution. As Omahen explained, the collection and selection of 1300 consumers will be held in October and November, the implementation of the project will take place from 1 December to 30 November 2018. The results of the project will be applied on the national level.
The mentioned projects is part of the wider three-year project of smart networks including the Japanese NEDO Agency, its authorised contractor Hitachi and ELES as partners. As was emphasised by the Director of ELES, mag. Alexander Mervar, NEDO is a national project, since it is implemented in the entire country and with joined activities, it combines electric power operators, the providers of advanced solutions, research organisations and local communities. The project will result in developing an advanced infrastructure that will help Slovenian electric power operators to comply with legal requirements, and improve service quality for electricity consumers with the use of sustainable and environmentally-friendly solutions.