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The coupling of the SI and HR markets a further step towards the integration of the european power markets

The Transmission System Operators ELES and HOPS and Power Exchanges BSP and CROPEX have in 2017 launched a dedicated project with support of both national regulators Energy Agency (Slovenia) and HERA (Croatia).

The goal is to implement the European target model for day-ahead Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management on the Slovenian - Croatian border.

The project is an extension to the NTC based day-ahead market coupling approach including its operational procedures, initially developed for the Italian borders (IBWT). This new border will be fully embedded in the Multi Regional Coupling (MRC).

The project on Slovenian – Croatian border is scheduled to go live in Q2-2018. Market participants will be informed about further activities and exact date of go-live in due time.

Details can be found in the common press release on the link below.

The coupling of the SI and HR markets - press release