
The ELES Company is dedicated to public operation. Its news is intended for all who are interested in its operation.

By establishing the Strategic Innovation Sector, the ELES Company has set a new milestone

Due to a very successful and rapid growth of research and innovation at ELES Company, the company's director, mag. Aleksander Mervar has established a new sector, the Strategic Innovation Sector.

ELES Company is thus enforcing a strategic governance of sustainable, systematic and professionally organised work in the area of innovative projects, innovative programmes and institutional collaboration on the European Community level, i.e. as the key segments of the future development of the company. Mag. Uroš Salobir has been appointed Director of the Strategic Innovation Sector.  

With regard to introducing smart grids and acquiring European funds, the ELES Company has taken the leading role among European system operators. Our most important innovation projects currently are NEDO, SINCRO.GRID, FutureFlow, SUMO and Migrate. These projects involve strategic innovation which on the most important technical areas bring new solutions, thus importantly altering the operation of the ELES Company and its business environment. Strategic innovation radically intervenes in the operation of the transmission network due to increased production based on renewable sources, it strengthens the connection of distribution and transmission networks of several countries, emphasises the role of consumers in the operation of the electric power system, increases the development of ICT solutions in the electric power industry, develops new services and focuses the company's operation in areas that will be of key importance for the success of its operation in three to ten years. Strategic innovation is closely connected to operation, investments and transmission network assets management as well as dominated by a rapid development of technologies, legislation changes and risks that are managed by strict target-oriented drawing of subsidies.

ELES is the first regulated energy company in Slovenia that has set innovation activity to the centre of its operation and enabled the highest possible level of further development in this area with successful projects, organisation and human resources. One of the important objectives is to additionally strengthen collaboration with companies in Slovenia and abroad which are already active in the area of innovation or are preparing to make this step in the future.

The ELES Company is expecting the results of the latest tender under the Horizon 2020 programme which was closed on 14 February and where the ELES Company cooperates as project partner in five applications.