
The ELES Company is dedicated to public operation. Its news is intended for all who are interested in its operation.

Invitation to the Migrate project's Workshop

All interested parties are kindly invited to the workshop »More power electronics into the grid: Innovative solutions for operations, and impacts on connection rules”.

The MIGRATE project plans to propose also recommendations on how grid connection rules should
evolve to enable the actual implementation of the innovations developed. All interested parties are kindly invited to the workshop »More power electronics into the grid: Innovative solutions for operations, and impacts on connection rules”, that will take place on 6th April 2017 in Brussels (ENTSO-E premises, Avenue de Cortenbergh 100). 

Cooperation at the workshop is your opportunity to have your say on how MIGRATE should interact with your community (industry, consumers, etc.) to make sure that the proposed deployment of solutions and grid code evolutions will be technically and economically realistic.

More about the MIGRATE project.