
The ELES Company is dedicated to public operation. Its news is intended for all who are interested in its operation.

ELES hosts the 13th EPCC Workshop – May 17-20, 2015

The 13th International Workshop on Electric Power Control Centers (EPCC) will be held on May 17-20, 2015, at the Grand Hotel Toplice in Bled, Slovenia.  
The Workshop is co-sponsored, organized and supported by ELES. 
EPCC Workshops provide a unique platform for information exchange among the industry professionals involved in technical, business, regulatory and financial aspects of system reliability and electricity markets. 
Workshop discussions focus on the latest developments in control center technologies, highlighting their impact on the most urgent challenges of power system operations and system planning.
The Workshop’s technical topics this year include: Impact of micro grids on transmission/distribution and market operations, Impact of super grids on system and market operations, Exchange of data & models for reliable operation of large interconnected systems, Processing and presentation of large amounts of information for situational awareness and look ahead, Distributed Information Systems and Cybersecurity and Vendors Panel.


More information about EPCC technical topics is available at the EPCC website:

Prospective participants are requested to fill out the workshop Registration and Hotel Accommodation Form available at the EPCC website:

We look forward to seeing you in Bled in May 2015!