Easements and compensations

The extent of limiting the use of the land due to the transmission line depends on the actual use of the land around the construction or the definition of the use of the land in the municipality's spatial act.

Permits for the construction of facilities, the limitation of the use of space, the execution of maintenance works, and permits for accessing the land are regulated with the concluded contract on the establishment of the easement between the owner of the land and the ELES company. The contract defines the relationships between the owner and the ELES company, as well as the compensation for the easement establishment. We have been concluding contracts on easement establishment for new and reconstructed electric power transmission lines since Slovenia declared its independence. Before then, we were concluding contracts as well as gathering agreements and statements from the owners granting the right to build (since there were no notaries, the signatures were not certified and were not registered in the land register).

Based on the data from the land register and the data on the planned construction, a court-sworn appraiser in the field of agriculture, forestry, or construction inspects the land, if possible in the presence of the owner, and prepares the appraisal report. The data from the land register and the appraisal report is used to prepare the contract on easement establishment. The contract is given to the owner of the land, who is also presented with the plans for the construction by the ELES company. The owner checks the adequacy of the data in the contract and the appraisal report. If they agree with the content of the contract, they sign it and have their signature certified by a notary. After receiving the certified contract, the ELES company pays the compensation and prepares the proposal for easement establishment, which is registered in the land register. The concluded contract on easement establishment is the basis for the conclusion of all future agreements on damage caused during construction or maintenance work during the operation of the facility.