Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

11.11.2009 | Business user news

ELES, the Slovenian transmission system operator is informing that Auction Specifications for monthly auctions for December 2009 are published on below link.Auction specifications Read More

06.11.2009 | Business user news

We would like to inform you that with the enforcement of the new Auction rules for cross-border capacity allocation on the Slovenian-Austrian border for 2010, ELES and APG will start performing the daily auctions on the daily basis. The first daily auction will be held on the 31st of December 2009. Time of the daily auctions in the year 2010 shall stay the same as in the year 2009 till the notice about the change, if any.  Read More

05.11.2009 | Business user news

ELES, the Slovenian transmission system operator, is informing that there will be a decrease of Net Transmission Capacities (NTC) starting from 07:00 h on 07th of November 2009 until 07:00 h on 9th of November 2009 at the Slovenia-Austria border for direction Austria to Slovenia. NTC value in the period and direction will be 240 MW. Actual values are available on our web pages. Read More

03.11.2009 | Business user news

On behalf of transmission system operators of Central-East Europe, the Capacity Allocation Office (CAO) published the document Users Guide for scheduling in CEE that describes the new regional scheduling concept. In addition to this document, whose contents will be fully integrated into ELES’ new scheduling system, ELES publishes the document Changes of scheduling principles in Slovenia that provides additional explanation for Slovenian control area. Should you have any further questions do not... Read More

29.10.2009 | System Services

Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. informs that it will begin with concluding the final version of General Contract for Purchase/Sale of Electricity for the Needs of the Transmission System Operator. All interested are invited to sign the contract.For additional information and conclusion of the contract please contact Ms. Mojca Cafuta (tel.: +386 1 474 2649, mail: Read More

21.10.2009 | System Services

All interested bidders are invited to submit, in accordance with the Rules for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the transmission system in the year 2010, an application for their participation in the auction for the purchase of energy to cover losses on the transmission system in 2010. The subjects of auction are:- 15 MW of base load product and- 5 MW of peak load productThe application for participation shall be submitted at the latest on Wednesday, 04th of November 2009, til... Read More

09.10.2009 | Business user news

ELES, the Slovenian transmission system operator is informing that Auction Specifications for monthly auctions for November 2009 are published on below link.Auction specifications Read More

07.10.2009 | Business user news

CAO and  Transmission System Operators of CEE region are inviting all interested:-          on 15th of October 2009 on a workshop on Scheduling and CAO IT User interfaces . Workshop will mainly include IT explanations.-          On 27th of October 2009 on a workshop focused to the explanation of the FBA capacity calculation and allocation process. Workshop will include all content expalanations.In appendix we publish an invitation to the event and recent developments.  Read More

06.10.2009 | Business user news

ELES, the Slovenian transmission system operator, is informing that there will be an increase of Net Transmission Capacities (NTC) for 50 MW starting from 00:00 h on 07th of October 2009 until 24:00 h on 31st of December 2009 at the Slovenia-Austria border for both directions. Actual values are available on our web pages. Read More

18.09.2009 | Business user news

Referring to art.  2.06 letter f and l of Auction Rules 2009, TERNA and ELES inform that due to maintainance work the Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) on direction from Slovenia to Italy will be reduced on 22.9.2009.New NTC values Read More

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