Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

22.07.2011 | Business user news

We would like to inform auction participants that on the request of Austrian Transmission System Operator APG the NTC value in direction AT-SI will be reduced to 650 MW for the period from 25.7.2011 07:00 until 31.8.2011 24:00 due to the network security reasons related to the maintenance work on the Austrian transmission grid. This means that the only capacity that might be available for the daily allocation will result from non-nominated long term capacity or from the netting process. The NTC ... Read More

14.07.2011 | Business user news

According to Auction Rules Elektro - Slovenija, d.o.o is publishing Auction Specifications for monthly auction in direction Croatia-Slovenia for the month August 2011.Auction specifications for monthly auction for August 2011 in HR-SI direction Read More

11.07.2011 | Business user news

End of unavailability of TET 4 Read More

08.07.2011 | Business user news

Unplanned unavailability of TET 4 Read More

06.07.2011 | System Services

On July 5th 2011 ELES performed the Auction for the purchase of active power reserve for the tertiary frequency control in the year 2012 and 2013. As a transmission system operator, ELES is obliged by Energy law to maintain the tertiary reserve for cases of large disturbances in electricity production in Slovenia. The subject of the auction was the purchase of active power reserve for tertiary frequency control in the amount of 348 MW and in a form of three products. The bids from following... Read More

05.07.2011 | Business user news

Intraday trade on border SI-AT  for both directions is possible again. Read More

05.07.2011 | Business user news

Due to technical  problems with change of intraday process on SI-AT Intraday-trade is stopped on SI-AT  border for both directions concerning schedule day 5.7.2011 until revocation. Read More

01.07.2011 | Business user news

In line with previous information related to the change of intraday process on Slovenian-Austrian border to be implemented with July 5th 2011 we would like to inform market participants that in order to ensure safe operation and a smooth transition to the new intraday process, intraday process for delivery day July 4th 2011 will be completely disabled between D-1 18:00 till D 24:00. The improved intraday for delivery day July 5th 2011 will start at 18:15 D-1 with its first matching.For all addit... Read More

23.06.2011 | Business user news

Referring to art. 2.04, 2.05 and 2.06 letter f) and l) of Auction Rules 2011, TERNA and ELES inform that due to network security reasons on the Slovenia-Italy interconnection the Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) in direction from Slovenia to Italy will be reduced on 26/06/2011. According to the above mentioned articles, common auction office CASC.EU will inform the PTR Holders about curtailments. As a consequence of the curtailment ATC reserved for daily allocation (Market Coupling), not taking into ... Read More

23.06.2011 | Business user news

We would like to inform users of cross-border capacities that Slovenian Regulatory Authority Javna agencija RS za energijo gave on June 22nd 2011 its approval to the draft version of Intraday Capacity Access Rules which were published on ELES web site on June 1st 2011. The final version of the document remained unchanged compared to the published draft version and is accessed via bottom link. Allocation of the cross-border capacities under new Rules will start on July 4th 2011 for delivery perio... Read More

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