Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

19.08.2011 | Business user news

We would like to inform all market participants that due to urgent maintenance work on the ELES scheduling system on Monday, 22nd of August 2011 from 03:00 to 06:00 am the system will not accept new announcements of schedules.Any changes for the above mentioned period should be sent to ELES scheduling system not later than on 22nd of August 2011 till 02:15 am.For all additional information don’t hesitate to contact us on the telephone number +386 1 474 2166, which is available 24-hours a day. Read More

11.08.2011 | Business user news

According to Auction Rules Elektro - Slovenija, d.o.o is publishing Auction Specifications for monthly auction in direction Croatia-Slovenia for the month September 2011.Auction specifications for monthly auction for September 2011 in HR-SI direction  Read More

10.08.2011 | Business user news

In line with the Slovenia – Croatia Interconnection Capacity Access Rules between the control areas of ELEKTRO-SLOVENIJA, d.o.o. (“ELES”) and HEP – Operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o. (“HEP OPS”) for 2011 we are informing you that due to Croatian and Slovenian national holiday on 15th of August 2011 there will be some changes in the schedule of daily auctions for the allocation of cross-border transfer capacities and changes in nomination of long-term allocated capacities. The schedule of ... Read More

09.08.2011 | Business user news

CEE TSOs recognize that the target model for the European electricity market is full price coupling based on Flow-Based Capacity Calculation and Allocation scheme (FBA). The well-thought decision taken by CEE TSOs to develop Flow based calculation methodology has been confirmed by European Regulators associated in ACER who have declared in draft Framework Guidelines on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management that the Flow Based method for capacity calculation is “preferred for short term ... Read More

08.08.2011 | Business user news

We would like to inform all market participants that European Commission (DG Energy) has launched public consultation on Guidelines on Fundamental Electricity Data Transparency document.We would kindly like to invite all interested parties to comment on the question raised. The public consultation is open till September 16th, 2011. Link to the notice on start of public consultation   Read More

04.08.2011 | Business user news

Referring to art. 2.04, 2.05 and 2.06 letter f) and l) of Auction Rules 2011, TERNA and ELES inform that due to network security reasons on the Slovenia-Italy interconnection the Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) in direction from Slovenia to Italy will be reduced on 07.08.2011.According to the above mentioned articles, common auction office CASC.EU will inform the PTR Holders about curtailments. As a consequence of the curtailment ATC reserved for daily allocation (Market Coupling), not taking into a... Read More

02.08.2011 | Business user news

In line with the Slovenia – Croatia Interconnection Capacity Access Rules between the control areas of Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. (“ELES”) and HEP – Operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o. (“HEP OPS”) for 2011 we are informing you that due to Croatian national holiday on 5th of August 2011 there will be some changes in the schedule of daily auctions for the allocation of cross-border transfer capacities and changes in nomination of long-term allocated capacities. The schedule of daily auctions ... Read More

01.08.2011 | Business user news

We would like to inform auction participants that on the request of Austrian Transmission System Operator APG the NTC value in direction AT-SI will remain at 650 MW for the period until 27.9.2011 till 18:00 due to the network security reasons related to the maintenance work on the Austrian transmission grid. The only capacity that might be available for the daily allocation will result from non-nominated long term capacity or from the netting process. The NTC in direction SI-AT remains unchanged... Read More

01.08.2011 | Business user news

End of unavailability of TEŠ 4 Read More

31.07.2011 | Business user news

Unplanned unavailability of TEŠ 4 Read More

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