Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

27.11.2011 | Business user news

Limitation of Intra-Day cross-border capacities allocation Read More

25.11.2011 | Business user news

We would like to inform Auction Participants that Slovenian regulatory authorities approved today the Slovenia – Croatia Interconnection Capacity Access Rules between the control areas of Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. (“ELES”) and HEP – Operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o. (“HEP OPS”) for 2012 (Auction Rules).Compared to the year 2011 main changes introduced are:Introduction of coordinated intraday capacity allocation. ELES has taken over the role of PTR allocator for intraday allocation in bot... Read More

17.11.2011 | Business user news

Referring to art. 2.04, 2.05 and 2.06 letter f) and l) of Auction Rules 2011, TERNA and ELES inform that due to network security reasons on the Slovenia-Italy interconnection the Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) in direction from Slovenia to Italy will be reduced on  20.11.2011.Curtailments of longterm allocated capacity is not needed. As a consequence of the curtailment ATC reserved for daily allocation (Market Coupling) for the day 20.11.2011 from 00:00 till 17:00, not taking into account possible ... Read More

10.11.2011 | Business user news

Referring to art. 2.04, 2.05 and 2.06 letter f) and l) of Auction Rules 2011, TERNA and  ELES inform that due to network security reasons on the Slovenia-Italy interconnection the Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) in direction from Slovenia to Italy will be reduced on 12.11.2011 and 13.11.2011.According to the above mentioned articles, common auction office CASC.EU will inform the PTR Holders about curtailments. As a consequence of the curtailment ATC reserved for daily allocation (Market Coupling) fo... Read More

10.11.2011 | Business user news

According to Auction Rules Elektro - Slovenija, d.o.o is publishing Auction Specifications for monthly auction in direction Croatia-Slovenia for the month December 2011.Auction specifications for monthly auction for December 2011 in HR-SI direction Read More

10.11.2011 | Business user news

We would like to inform market participants that due to the software update of APG scheduling system the allocation of intra-day cross-border capacities will be suspended on 14th of November 2011 from 10:00 until 12:00. We would like to apologize for the caused inconvenience Read More

28.10.2011 | Business user news

We would like to inform market participants that common auction office of the CEE region CAO GmbH published new Auction Rules for the year 2012 (Rules for Coordinated Auction of Transmission Capacity in the CEE-Region), valid also for cross-border capacity allocation on Slovenian-Austrian border. Auction Rules were also approved by Slovenian Regulator (Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za energijo) on 25 October 2011. New Auction Rules for CEE region for the year 2012  Read More

26.10.2011 | Business user news

In line with the Slovenia – Croatia Interconnection Capacity Access Rules between the control areas of ELEKTRO-SLOVENIJA, d.o.o. (“ELES”) and HEP – Operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o. (“HEP OPS”) for 2011 we are informing you that due to the Slovenian national holiday on 31 October and 1 November 2011 there will be some changes in the schedule of daily auctions for the allocation of cross-border transfer capacities and changes in nomination of long-term allocated capacities. The schedule o... Read More

23.10.2011 | Business user news

Unplanned unavailability of significant consumption unit Talum Read More

20.10.2011 | Business user news

Unplanned unavailability of TEŠ 5 Read More

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