Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

29.07.2022 | Business user news

We would like to inform Market participants about the implementation of bilateral process for calculating Intraday capacity on Slovenia-Hungary border. New process will be active starting from delivery day 30.07.2022. Following the CORE ID CC methodology TSO are able to change ID capacity resulting from CORE DA process for ±300 MW per border direction. Capacities will be offered on ID market. Read More

19.07.2022 | Business user news

Please be informed that due to maintainance work on the Austrian System Operator APG's Scheduling system the application  will be stoped on 26.07.2022 between 18:45 and approximately 23:00.From 18:30 on and through the mentioned period day ahead and intraday schedule nominations will not be processed and no matching and confirmation will take place. Confirmed schedules with delivery hours in the above mentioned period remain unchanged. Read More

28.06.2022 | Business user news

Please be informed that due to maintainance work on the Austrian System Operator APG's Scheduling system the application  will be stoped on 28.06.2022 between 18:45 and approximately 23:00.From 18:30 on and through the mentioned period day ahead and intraday schedule nominations will not be processed and no matching and confirmation will take place. Confirmed schedules with delivery hours in the above mentioned period remain unchanged.  Read More

22.06.2022 | Business user news

We would like to inform Market participants about the implementation of bilateral process for calculating Intraday capacity on Slovenia-Croatia border. New process will be active starting from delivery day 23.06.2022. Following the CORE ID CC methodology TSO are able to change ID capacity resulting from CORE DA process for ±300 MW per border direction. Capacities will be offered on ID market. Read More

17.06.2022 | Business user news

We would like to inform market participants about the anticipated inclusion of the 400 kV Cirkovce – Hévíz tie-line into operation on 30. 6. 2022. By this step the precondition will be fulfilled to include the border between Hungary and Slovenia into the European coupling projects for day ahead (SDAC) and intraday (SIDC) timeframe.The timeline for tie-line inclusion into cross border capacity calculation processes is as follows: capacity calculation for day ahead allocation v... Read More

08.06.2022 | Business user news

Today, 8.6.2022, the 16 Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of the Core Capacity Calculation Region (Core CCR), together with 10 Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs), introduced the Core FlowBased Day-ahead Market Coupling. Having a harmonized capacity calculation methodology in place in the Core CCR makes the European electricity system more efficient and robust. This harmonization thereby improves the capacity allocation in the Core CCR and enables the European power grid to transpo... Read More

01.06.2022 | Business user news

With great pleasure the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project parties announce that the project finished all main deliverables and initiated the final preparations towards the go live of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling on 08/06/2022, first trading day for delivery on 09/06/2022. The design and procedures are now fully tested, and all required contracts are concluded as well. Project parties are confident to provide a robust and stable system. More info is available in the  attached an... Read More

25.05.2022 | Business user news

Please be aware that a maintenance on Nord Pool EMCO's Shipping Agent system is planned from 01.06.2022 22:30 CEST until 02.06.2022 00:30 CEST. During this time the Shipping Agent services will not be available.XBID trading on ELES-APG border will be affected for the time of maintenance. Read More

25.05.2022 | Business user news

Please be informed that due to maintainance work on the Austrian System Operator APG's Scheduling system the application  will be stoped on 04.06.2022 between 09:00 and approximately 17:00.From 08:45 on and through the mentioned period intraday schedule nominations will not be processed and no matching and confirmation will take place. Confirmed schedules with delivery hours in the above mentioned period remain unchanged. The Day-Ahead Matching will be performed and should not be a... Read More

16.05.2022 | Business user news

Please be informed that due to maintainance work on the Austrian System Operator APG's Scheduling system the application  will be stoped on 24.05.2022 between 18:45 and approximately 23:00.From 18:30 on and through the mentioned period day ahead and intraday schedule nominations will not be processed and no matching and confirmation will take place. Confirmed schedules with delivery hours in the above mentioned period remain unchanged. Read More

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