Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

08.04.2024 | Business user news

Please be informed that due to maintainance work on the Austrian System Operator APG's Scheduling system the application will be stoped on 15.04.2024 from 10:00 CET until approximately 12:00 CET.From 09:45 on and through the mentioned period day ahead and intraday schedule nominations will not be processed and no matching and confirmation will take place. Confirmed schedules with delivery hours in the above mentioned period remain unchanged. Read More

29.03.2024 | Business user news

Please be informed that a maintenance on XBID intraday trading platform is planned for 03.04.2024 between 08:30 CET and 11:00 CET.  Within forementioned period XBID trading platform will be stopped and no intraday Cross Border trading will be possible. Thank you for your understanding. Read More

19.03.2024 | Business user news

Users are hereby informed that due to maintenance works on the ELES business network, short interruptions in access to the ELES network may occur on 20.03.2024 from 18:50 CET to 20:30 CET.Thank you for your understanding. Read More

26.02.2024 | Business user news

Please be informed that due to maintainance work on the Austrian System Operator APG's Scheduling system the application will be stoped on 27.02.2024 from 17:30 CET until approximately 23:00 CET.From 17:15 on and through the mentioned period day ahead and intraday schedule nominations will not be processed and no matching and confirmation will take place. Confirmed schedules with delivery hours in the above mentioned period remain unchanged. Read More

16.01.2024 | Business user news

Please be informed that due to maintainance work on the Austrian System Operator APG's Scheduling system the application will be stoped on 23.01.2024 from 17:30 CET until approximately 23:00 CET.From 17:15 on and through the mentioned period day ahead and intraday schedule nominations will not be processed and no matching and confirmation will take place. Confirmed schedules with delivery hours in the above mentioned period remain unchanged. Read More

23.12.2023 | Business user news

Users are hereby informed that due to urgent maintenance work on the Slovenian System Operator business network,  access to the ELES network will be suspended on 28.12.2023 from 00:20 CET to 02:20 CET. Consequently within this period no nominations of schedules for the DA and ID time scale at all Slovenian borders will be processed by the ESS application. Furthermore, capacity allocation via the common SIDC platform (XBID) on all SI borders will not be possible - all SI borders will be clos... Read More

20.12.2023 | Business user news

Users are hereby informed that due to maintenance works on the ELES business network, short interruptions in access to the ELES network may occur on 21.12.2023 from 17:00 CET to 21:00 CET.Thank you for your understanding. Read More

11.12.2023 | Business user news

Please be informed that due to maintainance work on the Austrian System Operator APG's Scheduling system the application will be stoped on 18.12.2023 from 17:30 CET until approximately 23:00 CET.From 17:15 on and through the mentioned period day ahead and intraday schedule nominations will not be processed and no matching and confirmation will take place. Confirmed schedules with delivery hours in the above mentioned period remain unchanged. Read More

02.12.2023 | Business user news

Users are hereby informed that due to maintenance works on the ELES business network, short interruptions in access to the ELES network may occur on 5.12.2023 from 00:00 CET to 5.12. 5:00 CET.Thank you for your understanding. Read More

01.12.2023 | Business user news

Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) parties confirm that successful tests have been performed regarding the introduction of a 15-minute Market Time Unit (15-min MTU) capacity allocation between Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary. The expected go-live date is on January 9, 2024 (with the first delivery day January 10, 2024) aiming to enhance intraday trading between the three countries through SIDC.Please find more details in the official SIDC Press Release document. Read More

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