Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

27.10.2008 | Business user news

We are informing you that, due to national holiday on 31st of October 2008, there will be some changes in the schedule of daily auctions for the allocations of rights of use of cross-border transfer capacities.Details   Read More

17.10.2008 | Business user news

ELES, the Slovenian transmission system operator, is informing all cross-border transmission capacity users that, starting from 06:00 on 08.11.2008 until 17:00 on 10.11.2008 between, the Net Transmission Capacities (NTC) at the Slovenian-Italy border for the export of electrical energy to Italy shall be limited to 100 MW. The reason for the change of Net Transmission Capacities is the disconnection of transmissions lines for the purpose of maintenance works. Read More

15.10.2008 | Business user news

MONTHLY AUCTION SLO-IT, SLO-AT - 20.10.2008! CHANGED PRODUCTS BECAUSE OF REDUCTION ON SLO-IT BORDER (SEE POINT 7-COMMENTS) !Auction specification:for monthly auction SLO-IT (November 2008) - basefor monthly auction SLO-IT (November 2008) - peakfor monthly auction SLO-AT (November 2008) - basefor monthly auction SLO-AT (November 2008) - peak  Read More

12.09.2008 | Business user news

We would like to inform you that the previously planned reduction of the NTC on the Slovenian-Italian border for the period between 18.10.2008 and 20.10.2008 has been cancelled, therefore ELES is publishing new auction specifications for the monthly auction for the month of October 2008 in direction Slovenia to Italy.New auction specification:for monthly auction SLO-IT (October 2008) - basefor monthly auction SLO-IT (October 2008) - peak   Read More

11.09.2008 | Business user news

MONTHLY AUCTION SLO-IT, SLO AT - 17.09.2008! CHANGED PRODUCTS BECAUSE OF REDUCTION ON SLO-IT BORDER (SEE POINT 7-COMMENTS) !Auction specification:for monthly auction SLO-IT (October 2008) - basefor monthly auction SLO-IT (October 2008) - peakfor monthly auction SLO-AT (October 2008) - basefor monthly auction SLO-AT (October 2008) - peak   Read More

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