Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Update of cross-border schedules matching procedure on SI-IT border

We would like to inform the users of cross-border capacities, that ELES and Italian transmission system operator TERNA have agreed on the update of cross-border matching procedures. By this the matching procedures will be harmonised with those already in place today on Slovenia-Austria and Slovenia –Croatia border described in detail in Rules on the Mode and Conditions of cross-border capacities allocation. The new procedure which will also include so called correction cycles shall apply from 28.5.2013 for nomination of yearly and monthly cross-border capacities for delivery day 29.5.2013. All other procedures related to the cross-border schedules nomination including the nomination deadlines will remain unchanged.

For potential additional information please contact +386 1 474 2166.