Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Update of the Slovenia – Austria Intraday Capacity Access Rules

We would like to inform market participants that ELES and APG updated the Slovenia – Austria Intraday Capacity Access Rules. The update is related to the Article 7 related to the cancelation of intraday process where also the cancelation due to serious disturbances and/or maintenance work periods of the IT System(s) or devices used in the Intraday Procedure by ELES and/or APG has been included. If such a case occurs, ELES shall inform all users via publication of the notice on ELES web page. The effective date of the above-mentioned change is 1st of January 2013.

According to the Article 13 of the Slovenia – Austria Intraday Capacity Access Rules no new registration process is necessary for the already registered participants.