Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Auction Rules for SI-HR border for the year 2012

We would like to inform Auction Participants that Slovenian regulatory authorities approved today the Slovenia – Croatia Interconnection Capacity Access Rules between the control areas of Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. (“ELES”) and HEP – Operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o. (“HEP OPS”) for 2012 (Auction Rules).

Compared to the year 2011 main changes introduced are:

  • Introduction of coordinated intraday capacity allocation. ELES has taken over the role of PTR allocator for intraday allocation in both directions - that means for direction Croatia-Slovenia and also for direction Slovenia-Croatia. Intraday allocation is based on continuous trading method.
  • Change of calculating the financial compensation in case of resale. Auction Participant that resells allocated capacities to the TSO is entitled to financial compensation equal to the Auction Price determined on the relevant Auction where capacity was resold at.
  • Introduction of hourly products for daily auctions in direction Croatia to Slovenia where auction operator is ELES.


We would also like to inform all Auction Participants willing to participate at yearly, monthly or daily auctions in direction from Croatia to Slovenia for 2012 that from this day on they can send to ELES their application to the mentioned auctions. All Auction Participants already registered for the auctions in the mentioned direction for 2011 are only requested to send the new Statement of Acceptance via fax to the number +386 1 474 2652 and original by post. All other participants are kindly requested to follow participation requirements as stated in the Auction Rules.
Indicative dates for yearly and monthly auctions are determined in the Auction Rules. As usual Auction Participants will be informed about exact timing of the auctions via web page.

Auction Rules SI-HR 2012
Statement of Acceptance of the Auction Rules for SI-HR for 2012