We would like to inform you that APG and ELES agreed to improve, starting from 5th of July 2011, coordination and transparency of intra-day capacity allocation on common interconnection in order to align this process with the provisions of Regulation 714/2009 (EC) and Congestion Management Guidelines. Therefore, the following improvements have been implemented:
• harmonization of the allocation process;
• harmonization of timeframes and closing times (“gate-closures”);
• consistent contractual framework with market participants;
• identical obligations on capacity holders to provide information on their intended use (nomination) of the capacity;
• precise definition of the allocation process in the Intraday Capacity Access Rules;
The intra-day capacity allocations on Austrian-Slovenian interconnection in both directions shall be performed only by ELES, starting from the above-mentioned date.
The relevant draft Intraday Capacity Access Rules can be downloaded from the ELES website. For more detailed information concerning your registration please follow the instructions within the published draft Intraday Capacity Access Rules. Please note that published Intraday Capacity Access Rules are still subject of approval of the relevant national regulatory authorities and can be subject of amendment accordingly.
In order to assure smooth transition towards the new intra-day capacity allocation process, it will be necessary to temporary disable intraday trade on Austrian-Slovenian interconnection on 4th of July, as the new process will be implemented starting from 4th of July 18:00 for the energy delivery for 5th of July.