Business User News

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Successful launch of the Slovenian-Italian price market coupling

Market coupling on the Slovenian-Italian border

The Italian and Slovenian transmission system operators, the power exchanges and the Slovenian market operator are pleased to announce that the market coupling mechanism on the Italian-Slovenian border has been launched today (for energy that will be delivered on 1st January).

The price market coupling, under the institutional support given by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the Slovenian Ministry of Economy and following the approval stated by the National Regulation Authorities of both countries (AEEG and AGEN-RS), integrate a day-ahead market of 200 TWh on yearly basis (2010 data).

Day-ahead baseload prices, for energy delivered on 1st January 2011, set for the North Zone of  the Italian market was 66,06 €/MWh and for Slovenian market was 32,19 €/MWh.
The capacity allocated through the market coupling has been 624 MW.