Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Implementation of the new Scheduling System

Starting with December 1st, 2010, ELES will implement a new scheduling system on Slovenian-Austrian border. This unified, regional system covers countries of Austria, Hungary, Germany, Czech, Slovakia, Poland and Slovenia.

This event represents crucial point in the development of a new, harmonized scheduling concept of cross-border electricity exchange in Central-Eastern European countries. Trading companies will now be able to go over state borders, exchanging electricity in the same manner, with the same computer tools and the same timelines regardless the state border of electricity transfer. Apart from unified auctioning system in the form of one-stop-shop at CAO, this is the most crucial developmental strategy in international electricity trading, in accordance with European legislation. System operators have been preparing for this step for almost two years.
Besides harmonized rules essential benefits for capacity rights holders are so called correction cycles, within which capacities rights holders have a chance to correct wrong and mismatched nominations. After each nomination the capacity rights holder shall automatically receive complete information about the status of his nomination and based on this information, the capacity rights holder will have four 15. minute correction cycles for the corrections of exchange schedules at his complete disposal.
The new system is more sophisticated and automated; however it demands greater degree of discipline from both the system operator and the people responsible for nominations on the side of trading companies. Due to fixed deadlines for nominations, corrections and matching, corrections beyond these time limits will be no longer possible. In particular in the very beginning of the operation of new scheduling system, all attendees in the nomination and matching process are called for special cautions. Only in this way, we altogether, shall successfully contribute to the implementation of new, regional scheduling systems for cross-border electricity exchanges. Deadlines for nominations are changed, namely:

  • Long-term nomination in day D-2 until 5 p.m., followed by 60 minutes correction time, finished at 6 p.m.
  • Short-term nomination in day D-1 until 2.30 p.m., followed by 60 minutes correction time, finished at 3.30 p.m.

Other important information regarding new scheduling system is part of changed Auction Rules, which will be valid from December onwards. User manual for scheduling nominations in ELES's system ESS 3.0 are available via link: User manual.

Additional information can be found on the web page or at the scheduling system department on e-mail  or tel. + 38614742166.