Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Cross-border capacity allocation on Italian borders after 1.4.2011

Update Of The Access Rules To The France-Italy, Switzerland-Italy, Austria-Italy, Slovenia-Italy, Greece-Italy Interconnections and related Annexes, for the year 2011

Further to the previous Communication to Users, published on the websites of APG, ELES, HTSO RTE, Swissgrid, and TERNA on the 28th October 2010, the TSOs inform that the Draft Access Rules to the France-Italy, Switzerland-Italy, Slovenia-Italy, Austria-Italy, Greece-Italy Interconnections and related annexes (from now on referred to as: Access Rules 2011 – 2nd Phase) are available for public consultation on their web sites. Access Rules 2011 – 2nd phase have been updated to take into consideration the entering into operation of the CASC auctioning office for the allocation of cross-border capacity, starting from the 1st April 2011.

In order to ease the Operators’ revision of the document, please find attached a presentation which illustrates the main issues due to the introduction of CASC as the auction operator for the above mentioned interconnections.
The involved parties are kindly asked to send their comments only in English until 19th November 2010 to the following e-mail address


Draft Access Rules 2011 – 2nd phase