Business User News

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Market Coupling On The Slovenian – Italian Border From January 2011

BSP-Borzen-ELES-GME-TERNA announce the launch of Market Coupling

The Italian and Slovenian power exchanges and the Slovenian market operator (GME, BSP and Borzen) jointly with the Italian and Slovenian transmission system operators (TERNA and ELES), on the basis of the institutional support given by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the Slovenian Ministry of Economy and following the approval stated by the National Regulation Authorities of both countries (AEEG and AGEN-RS), are announcing the launch of a Market Coupling project on the Slovenian – Italian border.

The setting up of this project, starting January 1st 2011, represents the finalization of the initiatives started by the GME, Borzen and BSP in 2008.

The project establishes an allocation of daily capacities by a Market Coupling model, that simultaneously permits an implicit allocation of physical daily transmission rights and a clearing of energy bids and offers.

The project is in compliance with and supports the provisions of the Regulation (EC) n. 714/2009 which states that (Art.12) “...the coordinated allocation of cross-border capacity through non-discriminatory market-based solutions, paying due attention to the specific merits of implicit auctions for short-term allocations...” shall be promoted.
Thanks to this project the efficiency of the daily-capacities allocation on the Slovenian – Italian border will increase.

Additional information regarding Market Coupling project on SI-IT border