Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Draft Auction Rules for capacity allocation on SI-AT border 2010 – change of scheduling process

ELES and APG are publishing draft Auction Rules for cross-border capacity allocation on SI-AT border for the year 2010. The reason for amendment is a change of scheduling process agreed between TSOs of CEE region to be implemented for cross-border capacities with delivery period from December 1st 2010. Main changes are:

  • change of deadline for long-term (yearly and monthly) capacity nomination to D-2 until 17:00;
  • change of deadline for short-term (daily) capacity nomination to D-1 until 14:30;
  • introduction of correction cycles that allow market participants in case of mistakes correction of nominated schedules one (1) hour after the above mentioned deadlines.

Draft Auction Rules for SI-AT border 2010 – change of scheduling process