Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Auction rules IT borders for the year 2010

We would like to inform you that the relevant TSOs of the CSE region have published a draft version of the Access rules to France-Italy, Switzerland-Italy, Austria-Italy, Slovenia-Italy, Greece-Italy Interconnections for the year 2010 – Auction rules 2010.

Considering that these draft Auction Rules 2010 are still a subject to the approval by some of the Competent Authorities in the CSE region and as a consequence are potentially subject to further modifications, they are published only for information purpose. The final version of the Auction Rules will be published after the formal approval from the Competent Authorities. 

Auction rules for IT borders 2010 - draft
NTC values IT border for the year 2010