Business User News

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Presentation of Spatial Plan for the 2x400 kV Transmission line Cirkovce-Pince

In the period from October 19th to November 30th, the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia organizes the public unveiling of the amended draft of the national spatial plan for the construction of the 2x400 kV Cirkovce-Pince transmission line which will provide Slovenia's link to the Hungarian network.
The presentation will take place in ten Slovene municipalities where the planned route of the transmission line is going to be laid, namely: Kidričevo, Videm pri Ptuju, Markovci, Gorišnica, Ormož, Ljutomer, Beltinci, Črenšovci, Velika Polana and Lendava.
The planned 2 x 400 kV Cirkovce-Pince transmission line and the new 400 /110 switchyard in Cirkovce, will provide Slovenia’s link to the Hungarian network, which is the only neighbouring country with which Slovenian fails to have any transmission lines. The new connection will increase the operational reliability of Slovenia's electricity system and facilitate access to Eastern European electricity markets. In the event of operational disturbances assistance could be provided through Hungary’s transmission network through this interconnection.