Business User News

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Reconstruction and Upgrade of the 400/220/110 kV Podlog Substation

The 400/220/110 kV substation in Podlog is among the most highly loaded substations in the Slovene energy system, as it represents the connection between the more production-oriented eastern areas and the more consumption-oriented central and western areas. It is so of crucial importance that its uninterrupted operation is guaranteed which Elektro-Slovenija provides by regular maintenance and upgrading.
After the successful reconstruction of the 220 kV and 110 kV part of the switchyard in the past years, ELES also commenced with the overhaul of the 440 kV part of the switchyard which was carried out in several phases, due to operational requirements. The first phase started in mid-April 2008 and the works on the last transformer field were concluded in September 2009. In that period all high-voltage equipment and fittings material on all five       400 kV fields were replaced.  Also renovated were the pertaining protective relay boxes and the fence around the 400 kV switchyard was replaced by a new one. In compliance with the Decree on the decrease of light pollution, the outdoor lighting was also adjusted in accordance thereof.  The value of the entire investment was 3 million 448 thousand Euros.