Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Cross border transmission line Cirkovce- Hévíz between Slovenia and Hungary to be included in operation

We would like to inform market participants about the anticipated inclusion of the 400 kV Cirkovce – Hévíz tie-line into operation on 30. 6. 2022. By this step the precondition will be fulfilled to include the border between Hungary and Slovenia into the European coupling projects for day ahead (SDAC) and intraday (SIDC) timeframe.

The timeline for tie-line inclusion into cross border capacity calculation processes is as follows:

  • capacity calculation for day ahead allocation via CORE FB MC with first delivery date 6. 7. 2022.
  • capacity calculation for intraday allocation via SIDC with first Delivery date 7. 7. 2022.

First long term (monthly) capacity allocation is foreseen via JAO with first delivery month being August 2022.