Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Invitation to interested market participants to participate in the trial period of single intraday coupling at the borders of SI-AT and SI-HR within the XBID project, now called SIDC

The purpose of the trial period is to introduce new market participants (implicit and explicit) to SIDC functionalities and processes. Note: Implicit market participants access SIDC through the Local Trading Solution (LTS), which in this case is the BSP platform and will receive all necessary information from BSP. Local platforms may vary and may include additional functionalities that support individual local processes.
Support for explicit participants will be provided by HOPS and ELES. Interested parties (explicit access only) are invited to contact to provide them with access information for the allocation platform, the required certificates and the necessary manuals.
Period of execution:
• Week 42
-   Mon 14/10/2019 Normal operations
-   Tue 15/10/2019 Normal operations
-   Wed 16/10/2019 Normal operations + trade recall / trade cancellation + Closing of market(s)
-   Thu 17/10/2019 Normal operations + trade recall / trade cancellation + Closing of individual bidding zone borders
-   Fri 18/10/2019 No testing planned
• Week 43 - Reserved for additional trial period testing in the event of an appropriate decision by the SIDC project
• Week 44 - Reserved for additional trial period testing in the event of an appropriate decision by the SIDC project

For more details, see the official announcement here.