Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

HOPS and ELES announces public consultation for proposal of Intraday explicit capacity allocation rules on HR-SI border

We inform all interested parties that public consultation for proposal of Intraday explicit capacity allocation rules on HR-SI border is taking place between 22.7.2019 and 22.8.2019.

We invite all market participants to submit comments, opinions and suggestions. Please use the attached file "HOPS_ELES_ID Expl Rules HR-SI_XXXXX.doc" to forward your suggestions and comments, where you should put the abbreviated name of your company under XXXXX in the title of the document. 

Comments can be sent to the following e-mail address:

•           Intraday explicit capacity allocation rules between the control areas HOPS d.o.o. and ELES, d.o.o.
•           Statement of reasons and bacis elements for the adoption of Rules and basic elements of the Rules