Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Security of Supply in Central Europe: Multilateral Remedial Action (MRA) Trial phase begins

The increased influx of renewable energy sources into the European grid poses new challenges to the
transmission system operators in the daily operation of the grid. Despite this new situation the TSC
partners aim at maintaining the high quality of security of supply in the region.

Another important step towards this goal has been reached with the operational start of the Trial Phase
on MRAs on June 1st, 2012. Following discussions with representatives of the different National
Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) cost recovery for activation of certain kinds of multilateral remedial
actions will be ensured on a temporary basis.

The procedure will help the operational planners to propose multilateral remedial actions to resolve
security violations in the case when already all other available single or bilateral remedial actions are
exhausted. As a novelty planners can now order redispatch capacities from all TSC member states and
not only neighboring countries. The terms and procedures for the activation of such multilateral
remedial actions have been summarized in the Trial Phase Agreement on Multilateral Remedial Actions
which has been signed by all partner TSOs. The first weeks of the Trial Phase on MRAs shall also serve as
a period for obtaining more information about the successful implementation of such operational
procedures and if necessary to adjust them.

This new procedure demonstrates the strong commitment of the TSC initiative to foster security of
supply in Europe.

Security of Supply in Central Europe: Multilateral Remedial Action (MRA) Trial phase begins

For further information:
Tatjana Gabrovsek, System operation division, ELES Elektro-Slovenija